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Board Minutes February 2018

Meeting Date: 
27 Feb 2018

OSI Board Meeting 2-27-18

Moment of Silence


Participants: Mark Sheffield, Linda Stevens, Harold Shinsato, Kevin O'Brien, Tricia Chirumbole
Guests: Barry Owen


1. Discussion on policy of a preliminary period of 3 meetings for prospective new board member. In relation to Barry and others.

a. Divided thoughts. Mark appreciated it for his recent onboarding. Barry weighs in on keeping it. Harold does not want to change policy so soon. Others discuss caveats or exceptions at the discretion of Board.
b. Decide to keep the policy intact and to count Barry’s participation in Peace & High Performance as his first meeting.

2. Board elections

a. Harold nominated all standing members, all seconded and approved.
b. Kevin elected President
c. Mark voted Vice President
d. Karen elected Secretary
e. Harold elected Treasurer

3. WOSonOS 2018 – Iceland

a. Mark helped with an online open space around planning – Kari, Iceland organizer, appreciated.
b. Themes discussed: “Crossing the Chasm: from early adopter to early majority”; a lot around the issue of what is needed to go to the next level.
c. Concept of “siblings” of open space came up – parallels and could be in relation
d. Kari has not made any overt requests about support, outside of not being charged for Peace & High Performance.

4. Open Space, Peace & High Performance 2017 – Final Report\

a. Surplus of ~$5000 – best yet. Total ~$21k in OSI funds. Need to find ways to invest funds.
b. Discuss about listing contact information in the book of proceedings. Determine to include only the name.
c. Include a checked check box with the online registration form next year inviting people to be members of the OSI for one year -  can be listed and have personal website and be mapped.
d. Create a member benefit list and what does it mean toss sheet for next year

5. Open Space in Agile

a. Agile Open Northwest – OSI sponsored, visible on website, acknowledged at opening
b. FAST Agile – Open Space done every few days, 10 min, let team self organize

6. Harold’s video work

a. Took many videos at Agile Open Northwest
b. What’s so great about open stpace technology – 2 min or less, can share a personal website in comments field
c. YouTube automated transcription of audio works really well.
d. Interviews should be about 20 min: no specific prompts; open space journey, what’s exciting about open space to them, their on story, where do they think it can be used.
e. Can invite people via the OSHotline and use the Open Space Institute's Zoom conference and do remotely.

7. Tax filing for board
8. Icharus
9. Eric Reis long term stock exchange

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