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These are the proceedings from meetings of the Open Space Institute.
  • Meeting Date: 19 Jun 2017

    In attendance: Tricia Chirumbole, Harold Shinsato, Linda Stevens, Karen Davis.

    We began with 2 minutes silence followed by checkins.

    We discussed the honorary gift for Suzanne Daigle. Tricia will provide a version of the "script"


    Mark Retig attended the OSHotline. He expressed interest in an online Open Space about multi stakeholder facilitation and facilitator sustainability.

    Peace and High Performance 2018

    We brainstormed who we might invite instead of Harrison Owen to International House: Bernie Sanders, Dalai Lama, Peggy Holman, Chris Corrigan, Glen Winkle, Anne Stadler, Paul Levy. More possibilities from outside the Open Space community could include a peacemaker, celebrity, musician, peaceworker, a child's perspective, elder perspective, refugee, dreamer, rainbow connection, MLK theme person, a scientist (e.g. Jane Goodall). Karen will ask Harrison who we should ask.

  • Meeting Date: 23 May 2017

    In attendance: Harold Shinsato, Tricia Chirumbole, Kevin O'Brien, Karen Davis
    Guest: April Doner

    A Gift for Suzanne Daigle

    We talked about hiring April Doner to help produce a short video thanking Suzanne Daigle for her service. She would do some kind of graphic recording. The magical thing about graphic recording you are part of the process of what is created [This was a secret at the time and is being documented in the minutes well after the fact.]

    Understanding Open Space CD's

    Harrison Owen has cleared the possibility to release the Understanding Open Space audio program, which used to be available for purchase as a 5 CD set, in a free form online. It will take some work to produce a podcast on iTunes. Harold expressed the preference that this be part of a benefit for being a member. There was no final agreement.

    Opening Space for Peace and High Performance 2018

    Karen renegotiated the price in International House to be the same as last year and is working for a contract for 2018.

    Next Meeting - June 19 4pm edt

  • Meeting Date: 12 Dec 2016

    These Board minutes are the Proceedings of the Annual Membership Meeting held simultaneous with our board meeting.


    How to Open Space? Whenever, Wherever, Whoever

    In attendance

    Doug Marteinson
    Linda Stevenson
    Harold Shinsato
    Suzanne Daigle
    Mark Sheffield
    Charlie Colpitts - scrum master - complex adaptive systems applied to teams. Best fit for encouraging emerging behavior in complexity science. Analogies and flocking behavior. Finding techniques for leadership as an emergent behavior as teams. Things like distributed cognition in an Open Space Session. Never facilitate a new technique until I experience it once.
    Karen J. Davis - Love to have you in New York - circle is expanding and contracting. Making this happen again.
    Kevin O'Brien - Sorry I missed the last couple meetings. Somehow I booked things. Looks like there are 4 new faces. Interested in learning more about them. Leave it at that.
    Donann Stoicovy - Educator - done a lot of open spaces , in school system and in faculties. Make decisions around things. This is my first time joining the group. Very interested in the things to do in the future

    Initial Dialog

    Mark - Opening Space as an attitude instead of a format?
    Charlie - Also interested in above question. A model of cognition, social relationships are based on our old brain. Keep them from running away. Dealing with fight flight response. First practice is to get people to feel safe in the room. For my 2 cents, my checkin - I don't use a facilitation technique until I participate.
    Karen - I resonate with the things that people have been saying and also in this piece. My main focus has to do with opening heart, and not only the mind. That's virtually or face to face. Open Space certainly provides that option.
    Kevin - People attacking Open Space, what is that about?
    Donann - I've opened many open spaces in our district and my school. Kind of working with a group of people to figure the context so it doesn't go all over the place. It's been very successful. Want to see it in other situations. Have people walk away and.
    Doug - I suffered an addiction to ?, now adays I work in the corporate world, in the field of effectiveness and leadership. Open Space is the hammer to hit everything. I've opened a lot of sessions. I've learned the kind of leader that is willing to work with me. It's not the norm. Tolerate the notion of inviting everyone in the organization. That's an exceptional kind of leader. I'm looking forward to the day for this to be the norm. Teamwork, we're all in this together. The leader who carries the idea is only one of the players, not only the big boss, except for standing by teams decision. Open Space really lends itself to getting rid of the hierarchy. Inviting across the departments, everyone is equal. You never know where the best ideas could come from. Donann. I'm in a place where the internet is real shakey. Sometimes your conversations are all broken up. And I don't know if you can hear a word that I say.
    Linda - I don't know where to begin. I've been doing this for 22 years, and it's never failed. It must - corporate or non-profit. The leadership of that community understands they are just one person in the circle, you can't move forward. They are rare. Although, the pressures that are on our organizations right now, things get done in the real world. OST is the tool for that to happen in the organizations. Harrison - well over 30 years - I can't say enough to Charlie - please go to New York. Incredible 2 day OST. Holding space for opening space. Hopefully some people think about joining the board.Coming from the heart. Disappointed in political system. More small group open space. No answers, but
    Harold - Open Space questions were great. Come to NYC. Also 2 AgileOpen events in February in 2017 on west coast.
    Suzanne - People can facilitate without experiencing. Stop in my tracks. Most natural thing in the world. It was an invitation to freedom being responsible to ourself. Can't remember safety and feeling safe. 4 - 5 Open Space's, one in Manilla - the one - right after that with the AgileOpen in Florida. Both groups many had experienced OST for the first time. Striking that it always happens this way. I refer back to safety. It's not the way we meet. It's not the way we're invited. Our own freedom and speak out. We don't feel safe at the beginning. It's not the way of the world. What the heck is this. Hear that again and again this hear. Watch the tension, fear, curiosity. And closing circle, camp fire, everyone is with each other. Gratitude. I've had that opportunity everywhere however I feel yes yes yes, last week I was with a partner open space with the two of us, create an agenda wall really quickly. When we have a topic that we are really interested in, it's kind of a requirement until we get to be in open space all the time, in the beginning it's important to have a topic. Not every leader is open to wanting to give a voice to everyone. All of us as human beings, invitation and consideration has a right to life and contribute, and use your two feet. Look left, look right, we are all leaders, that is how we treat each other. I could talk for 3 hours. It has never abated being in love. Being with you gives me tons of courage. Heart connected. I'm done.

    We chose to stay in one session and step through topics after this initial dialog

    Attacking Open Space

    Ignore, laugh, attack accept as truth.

    It's great, makes me smile, no less deterimed. Not really, open
    Threatened by it - billable hours -
    There is only 2 things - don't have a wall, can't put anything on a wall.
    Having a conversation with the CEO so he knows what his/her role is. If there is any understanding - I will not do the Open Space.
    Have done anything without CEO's.
    Lots of different leadership structures.
    Mark - leadership has ability to take action to do things the teams can't do themselves. It can be helpful to see results, so the OST isn't just a fun event. It can lead to action being taken.
    Karen - Open Space starts with self. I myself there are times start practicing Open Space within their context. Very realistic.
    Suzanne - there are journeys ahead. I found that it's easier to not be talking about Open Space - not talking about ot too much. Worked with the packaging industry, focus on the issues. Some of the problems. Trying to fill it out. Be more broadly invited. And more broadly involved. And make the case for that. Things going so quickly. Have people on board and informed to the bigger picture. Here are some of the results. Look at the book of proceedings for after. Work with a planning team that is diverse. That is a bit of a microcosm. Informal leaders or diverse leaders, the CEO be involved, there, it's not a fast rule. Depends on the size of the company, underground in the company, when the results are good it doesn't become subversive, it's just working. How to talk about this, how to engage, describing the process. But before, focus on the conversation on questions and fears. Can't wrap their arms around, it's so annoying.

    Opening Space from the Heart

    I'm still discovering. A lot is how centered we are ourselves. How much we are balancing heart and mind. Maybe one of the reasons, at a gathering here in NY, international folks around dignitty and humiliation. One of the people from Somali Land, wonderful sharing of her journey opening up a maternity that is now expanded. How can there develop the skills and knowledge that she is doing. You don't need all that. You start with the heart, then the content will come! Open to exploring more.
    Linda - heart = passion. Inviting what they care about. It touches their heart, it all happens. The heart is definitely important. Also reminded discovery of Zen. Harrison - I have a new love, Zen. Harrison said they are one and the same. We need good minds, we need great hearts.
    Linda - Open Space really has existed since the beginning of time. Sitting in circle, and voices being heard. Aware of what is going on with Standing Rock. The history in this country in relationship to indigenous people. And the beauty and the teachings of nature. Nature and heart in all things.
    Linda - what a beautiful tradition - Standing Rock did what everyone said was impossible. Who could have predicted that military vets would have apologized. Power of self organization and of heart. And honoring indigenous people are long overdue.

    Peacemaking Circles

    From Yukon first nation - four stage process - opening heart first, getting acquainted and getting in alignment, before moving to action and decisions. Large groups of 30-40 people instead of having a conversation. Especially for the first time. No models. Us as facilitators. If you find that your group is really really large, consider that everyone. Coming back to heart, it's as if the best open space happens when care and consideration happens really be with other people, is someone feeling frustrated or not-heard. With Open Space it has helped me push through. Feel the deep pain. Get up the next day. Realize. The conversation has gone to another level.  On the other side of that feud. So much closer and deeper, and it can happen between 3-4 people, or 2 people. So much easier. Can just take one open space. It is messy. But the mess is cleaned up. Avoiding is what we've been avoiding. It's so exhausting.
    Kevin - Build a wall - make the space closed. Re-emergence of old thinking. Seems such a weird juxtaposition. Open Space can bring people together to make peace. Have to keep people from running away, what conversations are they going to work on. Not going to be easy. Interesting.

  • Meeting Date: 14 Nov 2016

    In attendance: Karen Davis, Harold Shinsato, Linda Stevens

    We have additional videos for OST testimonials. Four more in store.

    High Performance & Practice of Peace

    We discussed the 2017 Opening Space for High Performance and the Practice of Peace next January in NYC at International House. We will get the event posted on the website. We are offering several discount levels based on conversations with Karen Davis to allow for discount codes. Fifty percent off, free, and food only prices. Those interested in accomodations for Internation House, please contact Karen. The room rate is higher rate than last year. $165 a night.

    December Board Meeting

    We are moving it to December 12. This will also be our Annual Membership Meeting as required by the State of Washington for membership based non-profit corporations.

    Low attendance

    We will look at what we need to be doing to have another level of commitment.

  • Meeting Date: 17 Oct 2016
    OSI Board Meeting: October 17, 2016
    Participants: Karen, Linda, Harold, Tricia
    Moment of Silence and Check – in
    Discussion Topics:
    Karen will get in touch with Harold about the review of the finances for the January 2017 event at International House. 
    Tricia will review the song We Are the World and email it to Board members. 
    Since the world has gone video, Harold suggested to include more OS video taped testimonials on the OSI website and will ask Suzanne about promoting those at the upcoming WOSonOS in Manila. Board members are encouraged to also provide some video testimonials. 
    Harold and Tricia will be introducing the possibility of video taping to tomorrow’s OS Hotline. Another possibility for video taping is to hold informal conversations with small groups to talk about OS, OS and Agile, or about anything connected to OS such what’s the best way to close the space or what’s powerful about “invitation.” Any topics are welcome and could be video taped using the OS Zoom account; Harold can give out the password or send a URL, but please send out an email letting the rest of the Board know when you’re using the account. 
    Linda offered to poll Board members about the next meeting date which is scheduled the week of Thanksgiving – please see below.
    Next Meeting: Scheduled for Monday, November 21, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. EDT.


  • Meeting Date: 26 Sep 2016

    4:35pm edt start

    Harold, Karen, Tricia, Linda, Kevin

    - Changing the meeting date/time

    I like having it start before 5pm. I'm already starting dinner, hard to remember. How is the day of the week for me. Monday is fine. Starting before 5pm is more convenient. We were starting later because Karen was in a class. That was the earliest on a Monday. Let's move to 4pm on Mondays. It works for everyone.

    - High Performance & Practice of Peace 2017 open space at International House

    Karen is giving an update. The price is going up somewhat for the rooms, but not that much. This year will be ok. We have to have a greeter, so people go to the right place. That was a requirement. Our total this year will be $3000, rather than $2200. And a $650 deposit, either check or Karen will pay by credit card and be reimbursed. A single with no tax is $165. With 2 people $185. That's a jump from $135 or something. And there are suites, and that price has gone up for participants. They are holding all their rooms for us, and we will have to release them. They no longer give a discount for non-profits. The price is the same. And the rate on the guest rooms is a group rate. We already have someone who wants ot make a reservation. Suzanne is working on the invitation. That should be ready to go within another week or so. The food rate has not gone up. Suzanne will be helping with the invitations but she won't be attending. But she is committed other than organizing the housing. Karen will have a clarifying meeting with International House on Wednesday.

    Harold Shinsato moved that Karen J. Davis be the official authorized representative of the Open Space Institute - U.S. in interactions with International House. Tricia Chirumbole seconded. All approved, the motion passed.

    - Status on Testimonial Video Gathering

    Harold will add the guidelines for the videos on the website, and the YouTube channel. We have 3 videos so far.

    - Board Membership Transparency

    There is no upper limit in the by-laws for the board membership. We have to have 3 officers. We already

    - Vision and Mission of OSI-US

    We talked about the mission, and came up with something that might be more effective, which is "Holding space for Open Space in support of the evolution of human consciousness worldwide." We'll revisit this and continue to sit the question. I want to be able to communicate to further the mission, but what is our mission. What was being encouraged within the entity/framework of the Open Space Institute?

  • Meeting Date: 18 Aug 2016

    OSI-US Board Proceedings - August 18, 2016

    Attendees: Daniel Mezick, Harold Shinsato, Tricia Chirumbole

    1. Reviewed Google doc for Suzanne homage. We will collaboratively contribute. Send Suzanne a pdf and ask her if she wants a mailed document.
    2. Mission – Harold on ticket
    3. Harold is authorized to release funds of approximately $250 to support a QiqoChat for a South American Agile User group to hold an online open space.
    4. Edit the invite doc outlining the offering to support projects and the criteria. Harold makes the criteria publicly available.
    5. Mission - Collaboration
    • Reviewing the definition of inviting, open space, defining, traditional mission statement, learning from others. DO not like the current mission, not clear enough for general public.
    • Not sure how to change now, reviewed the possibility of an open circle
    • Reference the definition OST – Harrison Owen book.
    • Holding space for open space is stale or smells funny: learning, research and practice.
    • We discussed (but did not agree on) this possible purpose: subverting illegitimate authority in support of the evolution of human consciousness worldwide.


  • Meeting Date: 20 Jun 2016

    Board Meeting Proceedings from June 20, 2016

    Attendees: Tricia Chirumbole, Harold Shinsato, Karen Davis


    • Suzanne’s departure
      Expanding board – thinking about board members, how we would like to invite people. What are the needs in terms of the institute.
      Could invite people to come to annual meeting or invite via ask letter; exhibiting commitment; maybe consider putting out a call when revisiting mission. 
      Classify Suzanne as emeritus – consensus
    • Open Space CDs
      Charge or not charge? collect emails, membership downloads
    • Mission/vision – touch on it
      More relevant questions – involve some new people
      Invite the community in on dialogue about the mission of the OSI and let whatever happens happen
      Talk to Peggy & Lisa about talking to Michael Pannwitz about using the OS World Map
      Incorporate Google calendar from Michael Hermann on – have to talk to Michael or other calendar guardian
    • Engaging OS community
      Invite a conversation about what are the questions that are most alive right now – looking at mission of OSI and including the concerns of the whole community
      Help guide the OSI to reflect the community
      What would you like your role to be for holding space for Open Space?
      What is open space, what is space, what is open space technology? – need to be asked again in a deep way.
      Living document, rather than forcing a false consensus
      OSI board seed questions and ask the community to help build the mission of OSI
      Also have board members ask questions about these topics and record them and make them available; what are the most important questions for this community, what do you think about them?
      Harold will ask question to board and ask Peggy & others about how to launch open space practitioner map.
      Respond within the next week if possible – Harold will post on os list and FB and linkedin.
      Thinking about new members – everyone think about new possible members
      Heart trust    
  • Meeting Date: 16 May 2016

    OSI Board Proceedings May 16, 2016 - 5:30-7pm edt

    Attending: Tricia, Kevin, Karen, Linda and Suzanne

    Moment of Silence followed by Check-in

    1. Meeting starts with an acknowledgment of the newly elected Board; this was their first meeting in their new roles though indeed hierarchy does not drive our conversations.
    2. Karen Davis updates us on management changes at International House.
      • She has established communications with the new team, providing background information related to the logistic and costs of our annual event as most people are new.
      • Costs will be us: Not known exactly what the new costs will be though it is certain that there will be price increases on hotel rooms, meeting room rental and food.
      • The 2017 Open Space at International House is scheduled for January 13 to the 15th
      • Expected that we will be required to put a deposit soon (it seems that the deposit would be reimbursed assuming we meet their notice periods in the event our gathering did not take place.
      • A vote was taken by the Board to grant authority to place a deposit from our OSI US funds – proposed by Tricia, seconded by Kevin; All approved; Karen recused herself due to possible conflict of interest as she is the official organizer/host.

    3. The Board then proceeded to review together the excellent document draft that Harold submitted which provide “guidelines for working with the Institute as a 501(c)(3)”
      • Agreement that we want to move this work forward as quickly as possible assuring that it is broadly communicated.
      • That said we also want to assure that the intent of the language is well understood and that it reflects the purpose and mission of OSI US
      • A suggestion was made that once we’ve agreed on any addition, edits and revisions, that it be sent to our Emeritus Members (Peggy, Lisa, Christine and Doug) for their input reflecting history and any legal considerations.
  • Meeting Date: 18 Apr 2016

    Board Proceedings 18 April 2016

    In attendance were Karen J. Davis, Tricia Chirumbole, Suzanne Daigle, Linda Stevens, Harold Shinsato, and Kevin O'Brien.

    New Officers

    Newly elected president, Tricia Chirumbole;
    Harold Shinsato who continues to serve as treasurer;
    Karen Davis as secretary;
    Kevin O'Brien, vice president.



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